Rice Pudding Recipe

Rice Pudding Recipe

Rice pudding from the cuisine of the Indian subcontinent and Iran (Persia), made by boiling rice, broken wheat, tapioca, or vermicelli with milk and sugar; it is flavoured with cardamomraisins,
saffroncashewspistachios or almonds. It is typically served during a meal or as a dessert. It is also known in some regions as payesh.

1. 1/2 gallon full fat milk 
2. 2 cups cooked rice 
3. 1 cup raisins 
4. 1/2 cup sugar
Boil milk in a heavy bottomed saucepan until it reduces to half. The key to this dessert is vigilant, constant stirring to ensure that the contents do not stick to the bottom of the vessel. Add cooked rice, raisins and sugar and mix well till it attains a thick sticky consistency.

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